Organization Associations


To configure Organization Associations you need the following:

  1. User with privilege over all service desk organizations


  1. Select the Jira icon > Jira settings > Apps or Add ons.

  2. Under Tinker for JSD, click Organization Associations


1. Automation User

Automation user should have authority to add users to all Customer Organizations

After selecting your automation user, the page will reload with



2. Organization associations w/ email domains and user groups

Automate adding newly created customers to organizations on sign up based on their email domain, and automate update customers group memberships with organizations

Add a domain to an organization, click add Domain on the same row you want to add it.

Write your domain as follows “”

If the company uses the following email then you should add as a domain

You may add multiple domain to one organization


Add a group to an organization, click add group on the same row you want to add it.

Choose a group and save

3. Check Organizations associations

To check the current customer organizations group and domain mapping with the current customer in organizations, click Run Organizations Associations Check

The system will compare the should be organization members with the current organization members, you may select what customers you would like to add and what customers you would like to remove from organizations, and then click on Add selected.